Wiek: 52 Dołączył: 24 Maj 2006 Posty: 1091 Skąd: Poznaďż˝
Wysłany: 2015-05-14, 07:27
Nie powiem, ciekawe. Mamy cztery stwory i przy każdym z nich jest kilka odrębnych, dedykowanych zdolności. Nie ogarniam jak one mogą wpływać na mechanikę i czy z podobnych zdolności mogą korzystać adepci/Dawcy Imion. Ale jak pomnoże te kilka zdolności, przez liczbę dostępnych stworów.... to wychodzi kilkadziesiąt stron opisu tych zdolności. I mimo, że jest fajne, wydaje mi się że zmierza w kierunku D&D. Ale mówię - nie wgryzałem się w mechanikę walki ED4, więc trudno mi być obiektywnym
Wiek: 46 Dołączyła: 23 Mar 2010 Posty: 15 Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: 2015-05-14, 11:43
Gerion, sama walka wygląda mniej więcej tak samo. Różnice to np. brak Przebicia Pancerza, a zamiast tego bonusy, inne liczenie knockdownu, minusy już od pierwszej Rany, z opcji walki wyleciało przycelowanie - takie tam szczegóły ;)
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Czarna Owca 2015-05-14, 23:38, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
Wiek: 49 Dołączył: 02 Cze 2006 Posty: 192 Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: 2015-05-14, 16:41
Z tego co ja zrozumiałem to przeciwko danym stworom można użyć specjalnych taktyk (nie wiem jak z wiedzą na ich temat). Taki specjalny manewr wymaga akcji sukcesu (+5 hit powyżej OF to 1 sukces). To są mocne (jak potwór używa) i słabe strony potworka (jak przeciw niemu).
Wiek: 46 Dołączyła: 23 Mar 2010 Posty: 15 Skąd: Warszawa
Wysłany: 2015-05-14, 23:38
"Characters with the Creature Analysis talent or Creature Lore skill can learn these weaknesses and take advantage of them." Jeśli masz któreś z nich, to marnujesz na to rundę i może coś wiesz ;)
To już widziałeś, ale wklejam dla niefacebookowych.
Travar: The Merchant City
Now that Travar is in the development pipeline at FASA Games I thought it was only fair to let you all know about it. Hopefully when it is closer to publication there will be a few previews that can be unleashed. Until then…
The Cover:
The Cover layout isn’t finalised yet, but there should be enough there to give you a good idea of what it will look like when it’s finished. The core artwork of the cover features as a color plate in the 4ed Players Guide. All in all I think the cover looks pretty neat.
The Blurb:
The white walls of Travar weathered the Scourge better than most. The city has long been a center of trade for centuries, and stayed out of the direct conflicts between Throal, Thera, and the other powers in Barsaive. But in the aftermath of the Second Theran War, Throal has pulled back and is no longer the beacon of hope and freedom it once was. The dwarfs still trade, but Travar's merchant houses see even more opportunities to line their pockets, and with that comes greater influence in provincial affairs. Greater influence comes with greater attention. Trade is critical to post-war rebuilding efforts, and those who control trade control Barsaive. Foreign powers -- Throal, Iopos, Thera, and more -- look for ways to sway the merchants of Travar in their favor, hoping to use its mercantile strength to shape the future of Barsaive. Meanwhile, the Badlands continue to grow. Travar: The Merchant City explores the history of Travar and the surrounding lands. It also describes the present situation, providing a wealth of setting information including significant characters, organizations, legends, and more to enhance your Earthdawn game.
The Story:
Early March 2010 the then Earthdawn line developer Carsten Damm (Dammi) wrote a blog entry on the Redbrick website called Kiss The Cook. In the follow up thread someone asked about the progress of the Travar sourcebook.
There was a Travar sourcebook in the making? How had I missed that little nugget of information? Unfortunately, or fortunately as it turned out, the author had abandoned the project. I wasn’t happy hearing the news having just been euphoric a few moments earlier.
I said I was disappointed, I probably said other stuff as well. That’s when lightning struck in the form of the immortal words from Dammi “Maybe You Should Write That Book”. I was shocked, I think I even used the little shocked face emoticon on my next post which might have sounded something like “maybe I should” I don’t really remember that part.
I just couldn’t back down from this challenge, I was a stubborn child. Did I mention I had never written anything before? I didn’t sleep much that night. Luckily a few others were paying attention and a few days later there was a small team of us brain storming the beginnings of Travar. Without those guys, I probably wouldn’t have gotten far.
It seemed there was an overabundance of ideas for pubs, taverns and alehouses. Could it be that Travar was a city of beer swilling barflys and there wasn’t a merchant in sight? It certainly seemed to be going that way.
After a few weeks we had our fetish for ale houses behind us and a rough idea of the history. I started writing, I didn’t stop. I had help along the way, but I decided if the book was to get finished I couldn’t continue studying for my degree, so I put that on hold for a year and kept writing. A year or so later there was a shiny new manuscript for Travar: The City of Destiny…. Um yes, moving swiftly on, the title was changed to Travar: The Merchant City. Of it went to Dammi at Redbrick.
Long story short, Earthdawn developers changed just about then, companies changed and not always in that order and Travar was bounced about for about four years, in which time I got my degree.
I kind of imagined the manuscript like the one ring, lying at the bottom of the river, calling to its master, just waiting for the next person to swim past to pick it up.
Then one day I got an email from Josh Harrison, the Earthdawn Line Developer. He asked if I was still interested in getting it published… well you all know what bears do in the woods. Of course I also got the news that there was to be a new edition of Earthdawn and that meant a chunk of the book would need reworked. There is always a catch.
Still, it’s looking like it was worth the wait in the end. We are now furiously working to get the manuscript in order, but after so many years in the darkness there is now light at the end of the tunnel… Soon the gates of Travar will be flung open:
“Your sense of fair play and justice are laudable qualities sir, stick by them and they will serve you well. Enter the gates of Travar and you will soon find yourself more than willing to part with your lofty ideals, for in Travar, everything is for sale”
• Ranill Shyfund, Broken Merchant and Gate Beggar •
P.S. Byłem wśród "...small team of us brain storming the beginnings of Travar. Without those guys, I probably wouldn’t have gotten far." :)
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_________________ Wojciech 'Sethariel' Żółtański Gry-Fabularne.pl - serwis o grach fabularnych
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Sethariel 2016-01-09, 09:18, w całości zmieniany 1 raz
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